Turn Your Business Idea Into Success


We have a special night for entrepreneurs to dig into that big idea. 

Most customers see a problem, but don't yet have a solution. As an entrepreneur, you see how one idea could solve a problem for more people - and a business opportunity that grows your own wealth. 

Join us if you are interested in starting a business, especially those who are in the early stages of business formation. 

Bring your business idea and a partner (if you have one.) We will focus on the areas to make sure your business could work.

As an entrepreneur learn how to deliver, create and capture value to customers. More and more companies focus on a solid business model to strengthen their idea. 

70% of start ups fail within the first five years. We know that most ideas may not survive being tested in the real world. To ensure a strong idea survives, dig into the areas that make it weak and convert it into strength. 

So bring a friend or a fellow entrepreneur and that big idea on March 20th. 

See you then. 

March 20, 2018 at 6:00pm - 8pm
Green Worker Cooperatives
Ileia Burgos · · (718) 617-7807 x 704

Will you come?
